Educational and Inclusive Games by Piepmatz and Grünschnabel

Expert support for LRS, dyslexia or dyscalculia

Piepmatz und Grünschnabel: 4 products


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Learning does not always have to be bone dry and boring. Games are an active, imaginative and versatile medium, and the best approach to learning. While playing, children can test their skills in a safe environment and discover their true potential.

Piepmatz und Grünschnabel's high-quality products are developed by experts and tested by children. They are the perfect way to consolidate learning in German and mathematics. Children with LRS, dyslexia or arithmetic disabilities particularly benefit from an entertaining and enjoyable learning experience.

Piepmatz und Grünschnabel is supported by the school book campaign of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF). Numerous games have already received important awards (Dyslexia Quality Award, "spiel gut" seal of approval).

This expert family business from Austria was founded in 2012. The head and heart of the company is the therapist, trainer and recreational educator Beate Wuggenig. Their mission: To continue to develop exciting games that make learning easy, enjoyable and effective.